Waves Abbey Road Chambers Review

I review the new reverb/tape delay/EQ plugin from Waves in this new video:

Script notes are as follows:

Waves Abbey Road Echo Chambers Review

Not just the echo chamber is emulated. In addition to the room it also models a tape machine, tape delay, feedback loop, speakers and microphones.

The chambers use impulse responses and the rest is algorithms.

The STEED process. (show STEED on screen, vertically) Combined tape delay techniques along with the echo chamber and a feedback loop.

Plugin GUI is setup different from the signal flow. The tape delay is before the chamber.

Set your input level so that there is headroom.

Microphone: Neumann KM53 – Slightly bright. The manual says

Schoeps MKH-2s but I could only find information on a MK 2S model. Either way, it is characteristically flat and a more modern microphone.

Position: Click and choose which mic position you like.

Chamber: Classic = Studio 2 chamber, half tiled.

Mirror = Bright/reflective

Stone: Dark and small.

Time X – Controls the reverb tail duration. 0.5 is 50% and 1.5 is 150% of the original duration.

Speaker Type: Altec 605, 1950s/1960s vintage. B&W 802 is the modern one.

Room: More of a direct sound.

Wall: More diffuse sound.

Top Cut is 24/dB per octave

Bass Cut is 12 dB/octave

Delay Mid Filter = 3.5 kHz

Drive = tape saturation with auto gain adjustment.

Mod = Modulation, AM and FM to the feedback signal.

Filters to Chamber = Post feedback section.

The Abbey Road Studio Reverb Trick: On the reverb send, PRIOR TO THE REVERB EFFECT, low pass equalizer filter at 4-10 kHz. High pass filter at 600 Hz.

Author: Adam

Adam is a professional photographer, videographer and audio engineer. He started Real Home Recording back in 2011 and in 2017 launched Don't Go to Recording School.