Mix with the Masters is Proof of a Dying Studio Industry

This web site is all about teaching readers how to become an audio engineer and running a recording studio business. However, the first lesson of this site is that it is a VERY tough business.

I cannot stress enough how difficult it is to run a successful studio. There simply aren’t enough customers going around. Exhibit M: Mix with the Masters.

Here you have legendary audio recording and mixing engineers giving away their secrets for a few thousand dollars per student. Why do you think they are doing this? BECAUSE THEY HAVE BILLS TO PAY AND NOT ENOUGH INCOME FROM THEIR REGULAR BUSINESS TO PAY THOSE BILLS! THAT’S WHY!

I think MWTM is a great educational site. A lot better than this one, in fact. But…you have to read the subtext. If you are creating audio/music for a hobby, that’s fine. But if you are thinking about making a career in audio…look at the writing on the wall! If top pros with big credits to their names are struggling to make ends meet, that says it all right there.

No doubt, many big name engineers saw the writing on the wall as well. They saw how much money colleges and trade schools were making teaching people how to become audio engineers. And they wanted a piece of that pie.

The domain name mixwiththemasters.com is registered to

118 Route Des Jardins
13210 FR
maxime.leguil at gmail dot com (typed out so spam bots don’t pick up on that e-mail address)That information was obtained from public records at https://whois.icann.org

Studios La Fabrique is where MWTM seminars are held at. Make no mistake, they have a beautiful facility. At a membership cost of over $300 per year on top of the $3,000-4,000 cost of in person seminars (which they don’t disclose on their web site, you have to “apply” and get “accepted” to get pricing information but I obtained via https://www.gofundme.com/eueu8cy4) not including the price of the plane ticket. Size is limited to 13 people so $3,500 = $45,500. Even after room and board expenses are covered by La Fabrique, that’s still a pretty WEEKLY profit!

Again, I appreciate what Mix with the Masters does, but everyone must look at what’s going on here. Engineers who are very busy with work would not have the time to fly to France and teach other people their trade secrets.

Author: Adam

Adam is a professional photographer, videographer and audio engineer. He started Real Home Recording back in 2011 and in 2017 launched Don't Go to Recording School.